How Educators Can Use

Educators play a crucial role in preparing students for successful careers. At, we understand the importance of equipping educators with the tools and resources they need to empower their students. Here's how educators can use our platform to guide students to the next step in their education or their career:

1. Gain Insight into Student Interests: allows educators to gain valuable insight into their students' interests. By tracking students' interactions with different industries, career paths, and educational institutions on the platform, educators can tailor their guidance and support to meet individual student needs effectively.

2. Provide Access to Career Exploration:

Our platform provides students with a user-friendly interface to explore various industries, professions, and career pathways. Educators can encourage students to utilize to discover new career opportunities, learn about emerging industries, and find the next step step in their education.

3. Explore Educational Institutions:

Colleges and Universities showcase their campus, their programs, majors, and what makes them different than other educational institutions. By introducing students to colleges, universities, and vocational schools available on the platform, educators can help students make informed decisions about their future academic endeavors.

4. Assist with Resume Building and Job Applications: offers students the opportunity to build their resumes directly on the platform. Educators can guide students through the resume-building process, providing tips and suggestions to highlight their skills and experiences effectively. Additionally, students can explore and apply for summer jobs, internships, or full-time jobs available on, enhancing their real-world experience.

5. Monitor Student Engagement:

Educators can track students' engagement and interaction with different content on By monitoring students' activity, educators can identify areas of interest, measure progress, and provide personalized support and guidance as needed. serves as a valuable resource for educators seeking to enhance career guidance in the classroom. By leveraging our platform's features, educators can empower students to explore diverse career pathways, make informed decisions about their future, and ultimately, achieve success in their chosen fields.